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ce genre de problème est dû certainement à un spyware qui laisse trainer des clés de blocage sur internet


quelques clés à vérifier :

tu vas dans la base de registre , executer : regedit

Supprimes toutes les valeurs se trouvant à la racine de ces clefs

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel\


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel\


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions\




une autre clé à vérifier :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load\

suprimes la valeur : inetcpl.cpl


ou ceci :

ouvres le fichier "control.ini".avec notepad. qui se trouve dans C:\Windows\


[don't load]



Supprimes la ligne d'"inetcpl.cpl=yes" sous "[don't load]".

tu fermes les fichier en l'enregistrant, et tu rebootes


Effectivement , toutes ces manips fonctionnent bien, le seul pb c'est qu'il est impossible de modifier la barre de tache, elle est verrouillée, l'acces au bonton standard est grisé .


Je n'arrive pas non plus à la débloquer


Merci pour votre aide


Bonjour et merci


J'ai essayé le nettoyage de Tesgaz !! mais aucune des clefs n'existe dans ma base !


Par contre :P multiples présence de clef isearch [ab defaut] dans :

- HK CLasses_Root\CLSID

- HK CLasses_Root\Interface

- HK CLasses_Root\iSearchObject

- HK CLasses_Root\TypeLib



- HK LM\Software\CLASSES\Interface

- HK LM\Software\CLASSES\iSearchObject

- HK LM\Software\CLASSES\TypeLib


- HK LM\Software\Microsoft\CodeStore



:-( D'autre part dans C\WINDOWS\SYSTEM il y a une "toolbar".dll remplie de mentions de "isearch"


:-P Vraiment la galère cette "isearch" : je ne l'ai plus à l'écran mais je ne peux plus modifier mes menus InternetExplorer


Bon week-end


utilise un soft comme jv 16 pour enlever toutes traces de isearch et peut-ête que tout sera résolu!!

Posté(e) (modifié)

Bonsoir krank, bonsoir à tous,


Voici une discussion qui résoud le problème pour RanmaHan -> "how do I get rid of the ISearch toolbar"

Passage principal

LoPhatPhuud Posted: Apr 2 2004, 04:02 AM   Team US/UK

Group: Moderating Team   Posts: 416   Member No.: 2879   Joined: 24-March 03


Here are the instructions that will let you download the AdAware Updates.


1.Download the Host FileReader from here:


2. Install the program and run it.


To use the program, double click on the Hosts file name in the bottom window.

Then find these four entries:

O1 - Hosts:

O1 - Hosts:

O1 - Hosts:

O1 - Hosts:


Change the in each entry to


When finished the original entries shold look like this:


Save changes and exit the Hosts Reader Program


Do not reboot before updating and running AdAware!


3. Update AdAware.


4. Run AdAware.



Do that, then post another HiJackThis log in this thread. There will be more to do.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

- Pudd'nhead Wilson


RanmaHan Posted: Apr 2 2004, 08:10 AM   New Member

Group: Member   Posts: 9   Member No.: 6310   Joined: 1-April 04




That worked. Thanks. 




Autres liens :

-> "UNINSTALL iSearch Toolbar, How to remove iSearch Toolbar Spyware"

-> "How to Stop Hijackers & Spyware Infections, And other malware too!"

-> "ISEARCH won't let me download AdAware!, They cut me off at the pass"


D'une manière générale, une page de liens de Google ->

Modifié par ipl_001



Voici ce que dit Hunter, l'Administrateur de Gladiator Security :

UNINSTALL iSearch Toolbar, How to remove iSearch Toolbar Spyware

( )

How to remove iSearch Toolbar Spyware



Somehow an iSearch toolbar got installed on my system. It would not let me uninstall it and did not show up under add/remove programs. Neither spybot or adaware found it either. I was pretty upset to say the least.


After trying to call the company and getting their answering machine and searching the net, I finally found out how to uninstall it.


When you enter that website, you will be asked if you would like to install the Isearch toolbar remover. Once you click "Yes" and download the uninstall file, it will automatically remove the Isearch toolbar from your Internet Explorer.


ALSO This helps


If you're running XP ...


Go to the link below and under the letter "T" scroll down to "Toolbar Repair" and download & run the "Toolbar Repair Utility" which corrects missing Address Bar, Toolbars and/or Menu bars in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer and hopefully will correct your problem.





Toolbar - Missing


This corrects missing Address Bar, Toolbars and/or Menu bars in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. Download Toolbar Repair Utility here.



Do manually alter the settings...see below:


Close any open Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer windows. Click Start/Run/Regedit


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar


There are 3 sub keys: Explorer, ShellBrowser, WebBrowser'. In each of these sub-keys is the entry for ITBarLayout


For IE Toolbars: The WebBrowser Sub-key directly affects IE. For Windows Explorer Toolbars: The Explorer Sub-key directly affects Explorer. The ShellBrowser sub-key may affect IE as well. Its effect on IE and Windows Explorer is unknown at this time, so if the first option doesn't work, delete the ITBarLayout value here as well.


Choose the relevant sub-key and right click where it says ITBarLayout and select Delete. The deleted value will automatically be recreated for you. You may want to right click on the main key (above) and select Export. This will allow you to backup the contents of the whole key, including subkeys.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Rebonsoir à tous,


J'espère ne pas abuser !


Je voudrais que le lien donné plus haut ne passe pas inaperçu car la page est vraiment très bien et sera des plus utiles aux membres de Zebulon ! c'est pourquoi, je décide de la poster en totalité !



How to Stop Hijackers & Spyware Infections, And other malware too!


CalamityJane Posted: Jan 5 2004, 03:03 AM   Global Board Mom

Group: General Admin   Posts: 2418   Member No.: 103   Joined: 9-September 02


The following topic was written by AntiSpyware Expert Tony Klein and has been posted in numerous Security Forums.


Hopefully, these tips and tools will help you understand how to stay safe and prevent any future infections. I have added some additional information at the end.




You usually get infected because your security settings are too low.


Here are a number of recommendations that will help tighten them, and which will contribute to making you a less likely victim:


1) Watch what you download!

Many freeware programs, and P2P programs like Grokster, Imesh, Kazaa and others are amongst the most notorious, come with an enormous amount of bundled spyware that will eat system resources, slow down your system, clash with other installed software, or just plain crash your browser or even Windows itself.


2) Go to IE > Tools > Windows Update > Product Updates, and install ALL Security Updates listed.

It's important to always keep current with the latest security fixes from Microsoft.

Install those patches for Internet Explorer, and make sure your installation of Java VM is up-to-date. There are some well known security bugs with Microsoft Java VM which are exploited regularly by browser hijackers.


Windows Update:


3) Adjust your security settings for ActiveX


Go to Internet Options/Security/Internet, press 'default level', then OK.


Now press "Custom Level."


In the ActiveX section, set the first two options ("Download signed and unsigned ActiveX controls) to 'prompt', and 'Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe" to 'disable'.


Now you will be asked whether you want ActiveX objects to be executed and whether you want software to be installed.

Sites that you know for sure are above suspicion can be moved to the Trusted Zone in Internet Option/security.


So why is activex so dangerous that you have to increase the security for it?

When your browser runs an activex control, it is running an executable program. It's no different from doubleclicking an exe file on your hard drive.

Would you run just any random file downloaded off a web site without knowing what it is and what it does?


And some more advice:


4) Install Javacool's SpywareBlaster.




SpywareBlaster will protect you from all spy/foistware in it's database by blocking installation of their ActiveX objects.  Download and install, download the latest updates, and you'll see a list of all spyware programs covered by the program (NOTE: this is NOT spyware found on your computer)

Press "select all", then "kill all checked", and you're done.

The spyware that you told Spywareblaster to set the "kill bit" for won't be a hazard to you any longer.

Although it won't protect you from every form of spyware known to man, it is a very potent extra layer of protection.

Don't forget to check for updates every week or so.  Let's also not forget that SpyBot Search and Destroy has the Immunize feature which works roughly the same way.

It can't hurt to use both.


Download Spybot Search and Destroy



5) Another brilliant program by Javacool we recommend is SpywareGuard.

It provides a degree of real-time protection solution against spyware that is a great addition to SpywareBlaster's protection method.




An anti-virus program scans files before you open them and prevents execution if a virus is detected - SpywareGuard does the same thing, but for spyware! And you can easily have an anti-virus program running alongside SpywareGuard.

It now also features Download Protection and Browser Hijacking Protection!


6) IE-SPYAD puts over 5000 sites in your restricted zone, so you'll be protected when you visit innocent-looking sites that aren't actually innocent at all.


Finally, after following up on all these recommendations, why not run Jason Levine's Browser Security Tests.


They will provide you with an insight on how vulnerable you might still be to a number of common exploits.


To add to Tony's excellent advice above, you many find the additional programs and Security Sites helpful in malware prevention and removal:


7. Two free programs available to remove spyware from your system:


Download, Update and Scan with Adaware (get the free edition). Update the program before scanning (do NOT skip this step. A short tutorial I have included to help with instructions)


Download and install Adaware


Adaware Tutorial Updates & Scanning


Reboot your PC after scanning and cleaning with Adaware


Download, Update and Scan with Spybot Search and Destroy. (Be sure to Update the program first)


Download and install Spybot Search & Destroy


My very short Spybot Tutorial to set up and scan the first time


A more comprehesive Tutorial by the Author of Spybot Search & Destroy:


A Special Tool for Coolwebsearch and it's many variants is CWShredder

Just download it, unzip it and click on it. Hit the *Fix* button to run it.


Alternate download for CWShredder at Major Geeks site:


OR download it here


See also this full article by the Author of CWShredder

The CoolWebSearch Chronicles, The story of a thousand hijacks


8. Scan for Viruses and common trojans online and free


Panda's Active Scan


Trend Micro (PC-cillin) - Free on-line Scan


RAV Antivirus Online Scan


eTrust AV web scanner (Computer Associates)


9. If you still have problems and think you are infected after following the various scans and help above...... get HiJackThis (another free program & diagnostic tool), and post your log back here in a new topic. We can recommend what to *fix*


Download *Hijack This!*


Alternate download for HijackThis at Major Geeks site:


Unzip, and save to it's own folder on your hardrive. Then, doubleclick HijackThis.exe, and hit "Scan".


When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log" button. Press that and copy & paste its contents here. Most of what it lists will be harmless or even essential, don't fix anything yet. Someone will be along to tell you what steps to take after you post the contents of the scan results.



10. Some Security Sites worth reading and bookmarking for reference and to help you get started in your PC Security.


Home Computer Security


Protecting Your Home Network


Home Network Security


Malicious Code Propagation and Antivirus Software Updates


National Institue of Standards and Technology

Computer Security Resource Center


Stay Safe Online


Protecting Your Privacy & Security on a Home PC


IE-SPYAD: Restricted Sites List for Internet Explorer


Working with Internet Explorer 6 Security Settings


(This post has been edited by Hunter on Apr 2 2004, 07:48 PM)




Microsoft MVP Windows-Security 2003/2004

Modifié par ipl_001



Que d'infos dans vos réponses ! mais bon c'est en anglais ..... Et je m'y perds...


D'autant que mon problème c'est de DEBLOQUER mes barres de menus d'internet

puisqu'avec Spybot et BHOS l'iesearch toolbar n'apparaît plus


Comment débloquer les barres de menus InternetExplorer ??




Bonsoir anatole,

  anatole a dit :
... D'autant que mon  problème c'est de DEBLOQUER mes barres de menus d'internet

puisqu'avec Spybot et BHOS l'iesearch toolbar n'apparaît plus


Comment débloquer les barres de menus InternetExplorer ??



Débloquer les barres de menus d'internet ??? je suppose que tu parles d'Internet Explorer... veux-tu dire que l'option Affichage/Barres d'outils/Verrouiller les barre d'outils n'est plus accessible ? grisée ?

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