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Bien dit cyrilcvcf. 10/10 :P:P


T'as vu le bazar pour gixona pour supprimer la toolBar de Crawler.


Désinstaller le navigateur pour éradiquer la Bar ! C'est pas de l'install forcée ça ? :P:P:P:P


Ouffff !!!!! :P


I did not see that uninstall of Firefox was necessary to remove this.


If users with this problem were to have reported this issue on our official forum (even if it was in French) I or other admins on our forum could have helped to not only resolve the issue, but fix it in our software.


Complaining about it and holding it against our software does not solve anything. Bugs in software is inevitable, even in Microsoft Windows.




You can uncheck the install of Web Security Guard + Crawler Toolbar, or you can download the version which does not include Web Security Guard + Crawler Toolbar.

Why not to check the install if we want these options?


What is the difference if it is opt-out?


The checkbox is functional in both directions (checking and unchecking). We obviously allow users to uncheck the box.


There is nothing which says it has to be opt-in or opt-out in an installer. Both are the same choose to either install the extra software, or not.


Yes, but the google toolbar is easy to uninstall because there is an entry in add/remove programs panel ! And there is only a little box to check (or uncheck !) and it is clearly shox in the install window !


Personally I don't want any toolbar, Flashes animations are blocked with an extension !


My installation of java has never try to add a toolbar on my computer !


I don't want to have any toolbar on my Pc and I use Google sometimes (when I'm in a hurry and if it's nothing important !), I prefer Copernic which doesn't sent any information to the society !


In fact the problem comes to inexperienced users that does not really know what they are doing on their computer ! Even if my knowledge are limited (my limiots are in the deep things : programmation etc...), I'm not a beginner in data processing.


But, I give you my request again : Why giving a toolbar with the software, and why is there 2 differents versions to download, if there is nothing unsafe ?


No way, I'm thinking that the discussion is going round ! You 're trying to "sell" (Yes, I know it's free soft !) the software of the society you are working for !



Posté(e) (modifié)

Have to check or uncheck, it is not the same thing.


You know it very well.


If the installation is selected by default, there will be much more installation.

Modifié par Sacles
Have to check or uncheck, it is not the same thing.


You know it very well.


If the installation is selected by default, there will be much more installation.


Tu as parfaitement raison Sacles ! Et en plus, ça n'est pas toujours clair, surtout lors de l'installation dans la langue de shakespeare !


Translation for Tokar :


You're perfectly right Sacles ! And it is not always clear when the software installation is in shakespeare language !

Posté(e) (modifié)

In reponse to cyrilcvcf @ Aujourd'hui à 14h32 (-4HR GMT):



Well my intended discussion is with admins to fix the Craptheque listing, not necessarily to sell the software. Seeing as how I know the admins read this forum it is important to respond to every issue brought up by every user here. Assiste's main issues are bundling of Crawler Toolbar, Spyware Terminator's "supposed" removal of competitor software, and Crawler software including trojan.


The original content of this thread was related to a bug with our software, and instead of users helping out in trying to resolve the problem and helping us fix our software, the thread is being used as a means to insult our software and bring up false claims that our software is bad. It is important that users who intend to read this thread are not swayed by the biased opinions of certain users and instead get the facts from the people who develop the software. That is all, I am not trying to sell the software.


We would rather users make an educated decision about using our software, and that is what I am here for.





I am sorry if I did not answer your request before. I guess you asked it in French and Google Translate did not return the question properly.


We offer two versions for the same reason CCleaner offers two versions (one with yahoo! toolbar, one without). We need to make our money some way, our employees dont work for free :P.

In CCleaner's case, they get money from Yahoo! for every user who installs Yahoo! Toolbar with CCleaner.

In our case, we get money from every user who installs Web Security Guard + Crawler Toolbar, and we also make money from users using Web Security Guard + Crawler Toolbar.


I do not work for our accounting team so I am not the person to ask how the money is made. All I know is what I stated in the sentence above.


The money is garnered through legitimate means. There are no illegitimate processes, or "dark" business deals going on here. We operate similar to Google, or Yahoo!.

No advertising software, no spyware, no trojans, nothing people shun.




Your decision on toolbars is your choice, and I respect that. But we know that there are many users who want toolbars, so we are playing to the market.




I am not saying that Java or Flash or DivX has installed a toolbar on your computer. I am saying that the latest versions of these software titles provide the option in the installer - the same way we have an option for it.



My feeling on inexperienced users is the following:

Inexperienced users on the PC do not know or understand much, and they take the time to read manuals to learn. Every inexperienced person I speak to who buys a new computer reads all the manuals. They also take the time to read every step of every install process (my mom would sometimes yell at me for going to fast with her install processes so she can read). Having said that, they can read and they take the time to read, so they can read our option to install it. If they find they want it, they install it. If they find they dont want it, they dont install it. Very simple.


I do not know if you share this feeling, but I do a lot of Computer consulting in my free time and this is what I experience.

Modifié par Tokar
Tu as parfaitement raison Sacles ! Et en plus, ça n'est pas toujours clair, surtout lors de l'installation dans la langue de shakespeare !


Translation for Tokar :


You're perfectly right Sacles ! And it is not always clear when the software installation is in shakespeare language !


We understand the need for international versions. We are working on internationalized versions of our installation and homepage. We will be introducing Czech, Spanish and Portuguese first. Where we go from there is unknown. I guess with MacPeter's help we will get the French version out soon.


On a side note, not many other security software titles are taking this extra step to providing international installations. SpyBot does this, yes. But I dont think Ad-Aware or Spyware Doctor or SpySweeper does this.



Have to check or uncheck, it is not the same thing.


You know it very well.


If the installation is selected by default, there will be much more installation.


Im sorry if our views differ, but at the root, they are the same thing. Just a checkbox which gives the option to install or avoid the extra software.


More installations is of course the case here, and that is not our fault for leaving the option checked. That is the fault of the user for not reading. Yes, we understand that this is a problem for international users since a lot of users dont speak English, but we are working on that. But Im speaking in defense of our US market. If a US user complains about installation of our toolbar, it is not our fault for them not reading our setup properly.


Im sorry if our views on how a setup should be run also differ. But Spyware Terminator should not be singled out when thousands of legitimate, accepted software titles do the same (DivX, FlashGet, Java, Adobe Flash, etc.). I do not see those software titles on the Craptheque list...






Posté(e) (modifié)

Tokar le dit lui-même: il est employé.Donc, il est payé, et il faut bien trouver des sous quelque part!D'où la toolbar...


ST est tout autant un freeware qu'un moyen de distribuer de la pub pour générer des bénéfices.Cela n' a rien de choquant en tant que tel qu'une boîte cherche à faire des profits, mais le souci c'est quand elle essaie de nous faire croire qu'elle oeuvre pour le bien commun, et que la toolbar n'est qu'un détail...

Par ailleurs, que deviendrez cette entreprise si tout le monde décochait la toolbar à l'installation??Elle fermerait ces portes.D'où l'impérieuse nécessité de coller la toolbar à un max d'internautes naïfs en cochant l'option par défaut.


Si vous cherchez un gratuit sans arrière-pensée, tournez vous vers l'open-source avec Winpooch!

Modifié par ogu
I did not see that uninstall of Firefox was necessary to remove this.


If users with this problem were to have reported this issue on our official forum (even if it was in French) I or other admins on our forum could have helped to not only resolve the issue, but fix it in our software.


Complaining about it and holding it against our software does not solve anything. Bugs in software is inevitable, even in Microsoft Windows.





I did not see that uninstall of Firefox was necessary to remove this.


Only solution found with Gixona to kill the Crawler Bar.


If users with this problem were to have reported this issue on our official forum (even if it was in French) I or other admins on our forum could have helped to not only resolve the issue, but fix it in our software.


Oh yes, good initiative. It will be for another problem. thanks to you.


Complaining about it and holding it against our software does not solve anything. Bugs in software is inevitable, even in Microsoft Windows.


Yes. We can also see things under this angle !

But when we can avoid the other bugs, so much make simple. No?

Good evening to you

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