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    De plus, les messages que vous postez en tant qu'invité restent invisibles tant qu'un modérateur ne les a pas validés. Inscrivez-vous, ce sera un gain de temps pour tout le monde, vous, les helpeurs et les modérateurs ! :wink:

PC portable qui souffle [linux Mint]


Messages recommandés


après avoir remarqué que dès que j'utilise mon pc le proccesseur s'emballe, même sans rien faire de spécial, juste activer ma session, pas de naviguation ou utilisation particulière.

ça m'a intrigué.


J'ai donc fait un scan avec rkhunter, et il y a eu quelques trucs dans le rapport.

Je souhaiterais avoir votre avis dessus, j'ai aussi ensuite fait un scan avec chkrootkit et y'a aussi des trucs détéctés.


Je vous coller le rapport des detection rkhunter et si vous en avez besoin je vous collerais le rapport chkrootkit.


sudo rkhunter --checkall --report-warnings-only
Warning: The command '/usr/bin/lwp-request' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/lwp-request: Perl script text executable
Warning: The following suspicious (large) shared memory segments have been found:
         Process: /usr/lib/gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal-server    PID: 14038    Owner: thibault    Size: 4,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon/csd-background    PID: 1999    Owner: thibault    Size: 64MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 8,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/nemo-desktop    PID: 2154    Owner: thibault    Size: 4,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/python3.6    PID: 2291    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/python3.6    PID: 2291    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/python3.6    PID: 2291    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/python3.6    PID: 2291    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/bin/python3.6    PID: 2291    Owner: thibault    Size: 8,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1    PID: 2146    Owner: thibault    Size: 4,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
         Process: /usr/lib/gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal-server    PID: 14038    Owner: thibault    Size: 1,0MB (configured size allowed: 1,0MB)
Warning: User 'postfix' has been added to the passwd file.
Warning: Group 'postfix' has been added to the group file.
Warning: Group 'postdrop' has been added to the group file.
Warning: Suspicious file types found in /dev:
         /dev/shm/mono.1166: data
Warning: Hidden directory found: /etc/.java


Modifié par TA-K-2-PT
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  • Dylav a modifié le titre en Détections RKHunter

Samhain semble aussi détecté quelques trucs. Je préfère pas trop commencer a bidouiller tout ça, a savoir ce UID=102 non trusted, est ce que je dois faire la modif que samhain conseille ou non.

J'attend de voir votre avis du coup.

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/games>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/gdm>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/gdm>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/nfs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/nfs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/nfs>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/nfs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/pcmcia>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/scrollkeeper>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/scrollkeeper>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/texmf>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/texmf>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/mail>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/mail>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</etc/cups/certs>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/cups/certs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/cups/certs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/cups/certs/0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/lvm/.cache>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</etc/motd>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/motd>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/motd>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</etc/sysconfig/hwconf>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/acpi-support/vbestate>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/cups/certs/0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.cookie>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/.gdmfifo>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/mysql/ibdata1>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/random-seed>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/random-seed>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/random-seed>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/slocate>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/slocate>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/slocate/slocate.db.tmp>
INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/urandom>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/urandom>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/urandom>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


INFO   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Checking     [Attributes]>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed>
CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] interface=<lstat>, msg=<No such file or directory>, userid=<0>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


CRIT   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<POLICY MISSING>, path=</var/lib/urandom/random-seed>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


MARK   :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<File check completed.>, time=<91>, kBps=<208389.744000>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.


NOTICE :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Finished writing baseline database.>
ALERT  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<EXIT>, program=<Samhain>, status=<exit_success>
ERROR  :  [2023-12-18T20:22:14+0100] msg=<Group writeable and member not trustworthy>, subroutine=<trustfile>, path=</var/log/samhain_log>, obj=</var/log>

---------   sh_unix.c  ---   1303 ---------

The path element: /var/log
in the filename: /var/log/samhain_log
is group writeable (GID = 106), and at least one of the group
members (UID = 102) is not in the list of trusted users.
To fix the problem, you can:
 - run ./configure again with the option --with-trusted=0,...,UID
   where UID is the UID of the untrusted user, or
 - use the option TrustedUser=UID in the configuration file.




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  • 2 semaines après...


j'ai identifié les connections qui font tourner mon pc de façon intensives.

J'ai préféré posté sur ce sujet plutôt que d'en créer un nouveau pour pas inondé le forum, si besoin je peux créer un noveau sujet, avous de me dire.


Voic la liste des connections qui font que mon pc s'emballe, je les kill avec la commande tcpkill, mon pc se calme puis 'autres connection du même type arrive sans cesse :


thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host] > R 3463331168:3463331168(0) win 0 > R 3463331574:3463331574(0) win 0 > R 3463332386:3463332386(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 2890456646:2890456646(0) win 0 > R 2890457147:2890457147(0) win 0 > R 2890458149:2890458149(0) win 0 > R 3463331231:3463331231(0) win 0 > R 3463331637:3463331637(0) win 0 > R 3463332449:3463332449(0) win 0 > R 3463331232:3463331232(0) win 0 > R 3463331638:3463331638(0) win 0 > R 3463332450:3463332450(0) win 0 > R 2890456647:2890456647(0) win 0 > R 2890457148:2890457148(0) win 0 > R 2890458150:2890458150(0) win 0
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]
thibault@locanode-820:~$ sudo tcpkill host
[sudo] Mot de passe de thibault :            
tcpkill: listening on wlo1 [host]


je suis pas convaincu que celà soit tout a fait normal.


Merci de me donner votre avis svp.

Modifié par TA-K-2-PT
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As-tu essayé de retrouver quel process se connectait ou écoutait sur ces IP/ports  que tu trouves suspects ?
Me rappelle plus trop de la commande à lancer, mais sans doute netstat et/ou lsof (j'imagine que google ou le chatbot d'une IA générative te dira précisément la commande et les arguments à lancer.)

et sinon c'est Google : donc à voir ce que tu as /utilises sur ton PC qui pourrait avoir besoin d'accéder / etre contacté par ces serveurs Google (Chrome ? DNS over HTTPS ? etc... n'importe quel site /programme hébergé chez Google ? cf. par ex. )...


Modifié par JWhy
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je vais essayer de voir tout ça.

au moment des commandes tcpkill j’étais sur YouTube avec une vidéo en pause rien d’autres. Aucun autres onglet ouvert.

ce que je ne comprends pas c’est pourquoi autant de connection arrivent, et pourquoi mon pc portable qui a de bonnes performances se met à tourner autant à chacune de ses connections.

une simple vidéo YouTube de mon point de vue ne devrait pas le faire tourner autant.

Je vous tiens au courant dès que je peux.

ah aussi lorsque j’ai Kill la première connection ( cf 1ere command) la vidéo YouTube n’a pas bougé pas eu de perte de connection ou quoique ce soit.


Édit : je viens de faire un test via DuckDuckGo en faisant une recherche le pc pareil se met à tourner fort mais effectivement les connections de mon post précédent n’apparaissent pas. J’ai bien lu l’article posté par jwhy effectivement ces connections peuvent venir de YouTube. Je sais plus du coup. Peut être un problème matériel ? Bon je vais essayer de voir tout ça .

Modifié par TA-K-2-PT
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Bonjour, merci pour ton aide

liens des rapports :

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J'ai du loupé des infos ou bien des messages ont été édités/ supprimés, mais pourquoi est-on à présent sous Windows alors que les premiers msg parlaient de PC qui ramaient lors d'une utilisation sous (apparemment) Linux ?
pas le meme PC ? Dual boot ? autre chose ?
Merci pour les explications :)

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  • Tonton a modifié le titre en PC portable qui souffle [linux Mint]
  • TA-K-2-PT a modifié le titre en [Résolu]Pc portable qui souffle [linux Mint]

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